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13 Tips for Enhancing Your Cats' Mental and Physical Well-Being ( Part 2)

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Welcome to part 2 of tips for enhancing your cat's well-being. (If you’re yet to read part 1, you can find it here).

In this blog post, we look at the remaining 7 tips and tricks that help you enhance your cat’s overall health.

Let’s jump in.

# 7) Introduce new things gradually

Cats are sensitive to change, so it's best to ease them into new things. 

Always give your cat time and space to acclimatize to any new changes, such as new people, new homes or a new pet while providing them plenty of affection and care during this time.

# 8) Provide outdoor access

Your cat's mental and physical health can benefit from being given access to the outdoors. 

When exploring the great outdoors, cats can engage in natural behaviors that aren't possible indoors, whether they're supervised or not. However, the great outdoors is not without their risks. 

Ensure you ensure your cat's safety when letting them outdoors.

# 9) Learn more about your cat’s personality and body language

Cats come with a diverse range of personalities and habits. 

Feline characteristics may suit your lifestyle more than others which can significantly impact your happiness and that of your feline friend. 

Get to know the unique character, behavior, and body language of your cat so you can clearly discern their cues and address their individual needs.

# 10) Spay or neuter your feline

Cat spaying or neutering is a surgical procedure that stops your cat from reproducing. 

This can positively impact on your cat’s physical health, prevent unwanted pregnancies, and prevent fatal feline reproductive diseases. What’s more, spaying and neutering your cat can help improve their behavior.

# 11) Observe dental hygiene

Your cat’s teeth, gums, and overall dental health can all benefit from regular brushing and preventative cat-periodontal disease care. Brush your cat’s teeth daily, or at least twice a week for more problematic felines or busy cat parents. 

Dental care for your cat shouldn't be difficult, especially with products such as dental gels as an alternative to the traditional toothbrush and pet toothpaste.

# 12) Groom your cat

While cats naturally take good care of themselves by grooming themselves, you can support your cat's overall health by regularly brushing their fur. Matted fur, fur balls, and excess fur drops all be avoided with regular brushing. Signs of skin problems or parasites can be caught early on during brushing.

Many cats enjoy brushing, so it’s also a great way to strengthen your bond with your cat. Brush your short hair cat 1-2 times a week and your long hair cat daily. 

Alternatively, you can have your cat professionally groomed.

# 13) Don’t punish your cat

It's common for cats to get into mischief but punishing them violently or shouting at them is never acceptable. Due to their strong sense of autonomy, a reprimand in the form of a physical or verbal "telling off" will not result in a change in conduct but will instead instill fear and anxiety.

Instead, redirect your cat's energy and positively praise well-behaved moments when they occur instead of punishing mischief.

Final thoughts

As cat parents, we want nothing but the best for our furry friends. A healthy cat is a happy cat, and a happy cat is a joy to be around. Incorporating these tips into your cat’s life can optimize your cat's mental and physical health, ensuring they live their best life.

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