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The Differences Between Male and Female Cats

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If you're looking to adopt a new feline friend, you might be wondering, "Should I get a male or a female? And is there a big difference between them?" The more information you have, the better prepared you'll be to make a smart decision.

Let's take a look at the differences between male and female cats.

Female Cats

By nature, female cats tend to be very affectionate and loving. Before being spayed, they will cuddle, roll over, and ask you to rub their tummy. 

When they are in heat, they vocalize a lot in order to attract a mate. They may also become frustrated and aggressive if they do not find a mate.

Behaviour of Intact Females

  1. Want to be handled by their owners
  2. Spray their territory to mark it
  3. Engage in excessive vocalization at any time of day
  4. Compete with other females and run them off

However, after being spayed, they calm down considerably. In general, spayed females won't vocalize or behave aggressively toward other female cats. They will still show affection toward people and other cats. Cat expert Rita Reimers comments, "She may even be somewhat maternal to young kittens, regardless of whether she’s had her own litter or not. That maternal drive seems to stay in place for most females."

Behaviour of Spayed Females

  1. Enjoy gentle play but not rough wrestling
  2. Refuse to share territory with other female cats
  3. Be cautious of strange people and animals
  4. Primarily befriend male cats instead of females
  5. Act more independent and happily spend time alone

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Male Cats

In male cats, there is a dramatic difference between unneutered and neutered cats. Before neutering, mature male cats have a very strong sexual drive. They will stop at nothing to satisfy their urges.

Behaviour of Intact Males

  1. Restlessness and a desire to explore outside
  2. Marking territory by spraying
  3. Aggressive behaviour toward rival males

After neutering, males' behaviour will calm down considerably. Although they may have territory disagreements with other males, they will not have all-out cat fights.

Behaviour of Neutered Males

  1. Cuddling with cats of either gender
  2. Spraying only when feeling afraid or insecure
  3. Friendly acceptance toward other cats
  4. Amiable horseplay with cats and owners
  5. Choosing another cat (usually male) for a "best friend"

Generally speaking, neutered males are known to be more affectionate and loving than spayed females. They become very laid-back and relaxed. Female cats tend to be more aloof in general.

Is there a big difference between male and female cats?

To be honest, the major differences between male and female cats usually occur before they have been spayed or neutered. After being neutralized, both genders mellow out. And either males or females can show affection, bond with you, and become a lovable member of the family. 

Cat behaviour varies from breed to breed. And it also depends on how the cat was raised. If you're looking for a new fur baby, do your homework. Spend time with lots of different cats. And choose the cat that feels right to you!

Looking for an outside cat house? Start shopping now at www.undercoverpethouses.com!

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