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Cats vs. Dogs: Eight Reasons Why Cats Make Amazing Pets

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The assumed superiority of the better pet in the binary of cats and dogs has been a question of debate since time immemorial. With both pets having avid fanatics solely based on people’s choices and interests, there has never been a clear winner in this battle of wits amongst cat and dog people.

Making up your mind whether to choose a cat or a dog for a pet can be a difficult decision. Both animals make adorable pets but have different characteristics that may or may not appeal to you. Cats have better qualities making them a delightful pet for any person. More so, data and science tend to give cats the benefit of doubt because cats offer numerous unique benefits compared to their dog counterparts.

To prove this, let’s delve deeper into some of the conclusive evidence that supports our opinion that cats are actually better pets than dogs.

1. Cats are Cleaner and Smell Better

Cats are constantly ever-grooming, rarely reek, and almost never need a bath unless they get into trouble. They will efficiently remove dirt and grime from their fur without filling your home with unwanted odor.

2. Cats Can Enhance Your Intelligence

Studies have found cat people to be more intelligent than dog people. Now, this doesn't mean that owning a cat will automatically make you smarter but merely suggests that people who are fascinated by cats are more likely to score higher in intelligence tests.

3. Cats are more Affordable

In the long run, cats are inexpensive to rear compared to dogs. Cats are proven to be cost-effective: from purchase to running up cheaper bills and vet expenses over the course of their lifetime. To back it up, research by ASPCA indicates that owning a cat rather than a dog could save you around $300 - $800 a year or more.

4. Convenience

Cats are more convenient to have as pets than dogs. They require slight training, less supervision and are highly autonomous. They won’t continuously bug you for attention or anything unless they have no option. Again, they offer health benefits and will handle their own problems secretly.

Moreover, cats occupy less space, are happy to stay indoors and exercise, and relieve themselves on their own. They don’t require regular walks, which can be stressful, not to mention time-consuming.

6. Cats are Skilled Hunters

Your cat is a ‘gladiator’ that won’t allow any kind of vermin, insects, or other possible infestations into your house, unlike dogs which may allow such invasions.

7. Cats Live Longer

Statistically, cats have greater longevity compared to dogs. Pet WebMD notes that indoor cats will live anywhere between 10 -15 years compared the average of 8 - 11 years for dogs. Should you need a pet-companion who will keep you company for longest time possible, cats clearly take the crown.

8. Cats are Calm and Quieter

Unlike dogs, even the loudest of cats’ meows are bearable to some extent. On the other hand, some dogs will bark relentlessly, disturbing your peace and probably the neighbors as well. Similarly, cats have gentle pleasant licks and will rarely annoy your guests with bad behavior.

Regardless of which pet you pick as your favorite, both cats and dogs make loveable pets and companions. Most importantly, remember to show them love, care, and affection so as to create a lifetime bond.

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