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Blog - How to Treat a Cat

​8 Common Mistakes Cat Owners Make

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Cats are great pets and with jam-packed bundle of benefits. As cat owners, we enjoy the benefits they bring us including company and we go all-out to keep our beloved pets healthy and happy. Our aim – to do everything within our means to ensure they are content. However, as much as we try, we should acknowledge that we fail at some fronts.

With misleading information about cats being loners and requiring less care, we more often than not overlook some important aspects in our feline’s life. Cats require as much care as other pets.

In this post, we have put together eight of the most common mistakes cat owners make.

1. Not Seeking Regular Veterinary Care

Just because your cat isn’t sick, doesn't mean they shouldn’t visit the vet. Just like any other pet, cats require regular body and dental checkups, vaccination, and other veterinary care services.

2. Dietary and Overfeeding

A balanced diet is recommended to ensure your cat gets all the nutritional value required for growth and health. Make sure you don’t emphasize on one food group while leaving out others. Also, avoid administering dry food regularly and ascertain that your cat gets enough water. Still, give the right amount of food and not more.

Remember, giving extra food doesn’t equal love since overfeeding a cat may pose significant health risks. And you don’t want that. Lastly, feed them on their favorite feeding stations.

3. Cutting Fur

Trimming or cutting down your cats’ fur is a bad idea unless directed by a vet. For instance, during surgery. Trimming fur can be really traumatic for cats, putting them at risk of getting sick or easily injured. Just groom your cat to keep away hairballs and other fur issues.

4. Declawing your Cat

Declawing your cat is also needless unless suggested by your vet. Don’t even think about it since it makes cats feel pain when walking and unable to climb or jump on trees.

5. Tolerating Cats to Wander Outside Unsupervised

Despite the fact that the indoors aren’t the complete natural environment for cats, letting your cat run around and wander outside presents much more harm than good. Moreover, indoor cats have been found to be healthier and live longer. If your cat should go outdoors ensure it’s only under strict supervision to avoid exposure to multiple threats found outdoors.

6. Punitive Discipline

Regardless of your cat’s mistake, ensure you don’t use punitive action but rather employ positive reinforcement training.

7. Assuming Indoor Cats Can’t Get Parasites Invasion

Too often, indoor cat owners believe that parasite prevention is needless for their cats but such parasites can find their way indoors easily. Against this common misconception, parasites can and will infect indoor cats if they find their way in your household. Ensure your household is often fumigated and that your cat is on an appropriate parasite prevention program.

8. Using Products Not Intended for Cats

Do not assume that any product intended for other pets or humans is also safe for cats. Only use products that clearly intended for cats to avoid unplanned tragedies especially when it comes to medicine.

In this piece, we’ve addressed some of the many common mistakes cat owners make when rearing cats. They should be highly avoided not only to improve your relationship between you and your cat but also, for their overall well-being and peace of mind.

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