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Blog - New Year's resolution

5 New Year's Resolutions for Your Furbaby

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It's that time of year again...when many of us are making resolutions to eat smarter, exercise more, and spend more time with the people we love. Don't let kitty miss out on the fun! 

Here are 5 New Year's resolutions for your cat.

1. "I won’t scratch the leather furniture."

No matter how tempting those luxurious leathers may be, I resolve not to sink my claws into them. Instead, I will dig into a scratching post, a toy, or even a rugged tree outside. You'll have to be patient, Mommy, because I might forget my resolution on Friday night. Don't worry--I know where the extra can of black shoe polish is. 

2. I will get in shape.

Time to get on the treadmill and burn some calories! I resolve to rev up my metabolism with some good, old-fashioned exercise. When I feel tight and tense, I'll do some kitty yoga. If the weather cooperates, I'll go for a jog outside (or on the treadmill.) When it's too cold to go outside, you can use a feather toy to help me do some cardio. 2019 is going to be my fittest year ever!

3. I will give Mommy lots of cuddles.

Besides being my favourite time of day, cuddling actually helps me stay healthy. A recent study in the journal Preventive Veterinary Medicine found that cats who were cuddled are happier, more content, and less likely to become sick. Cuddling me can also reduce your stress and your risk of heart attack. It also strengthens your immune system.

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4. I will eat healthy.

Goodbye, potato chips and Lindor chocolates! It's time for a healthier way of eating. Mommy will find out how much food I should be eating, and she'll feed me just the right amount. It's going to be tough not to beg for a morsel of that mouthwatering steak, but I'll try to be good. Maybe you could get me some steak-flavoured kitty treats or something.

5. I won’t drink out of the toilet or the sink.

Sometimes I get really thirsty. And I just love drinking out of that nice, sparkling sink in the bathroom. But I know I'm not really supposed to. From now on, I'm only going to drink out of my water dish. You can follow these tips for keeping your cat hydrated to help me drink more water, too.

Let's Chat:

Which of these New Year's resolutions is your kitty going to pick? Do you have more to add to our list of ideas?

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