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Blog - cat meows

Here's Why Your Cat Might Be Meowing Excessively

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A cat’s meow can be the sweetest sound in the world. However, it can be overwhelming, especially if your cat constantly meows.

Here are six reasons your cat might be calling out to you more than usual and what you can do about it. 

#1. Attention Seeking and Loneliness

Contrary to common belief, most cats are very social animals who need companionship and attention. Cat’s meow because they’re lonely or bored or want to tell you something. If you're always at work and your cat is left home alone all day, they may meow constantly. If they want to go somewhere, they may meow to get in or out or get a toy.

Ensure you provide sufficient cat enrichment activities to your cat, like giving them scratches, belly rubs, playing with their favorite toys, and many more engaging activities.

#2. Hunger

Cat’s meow to tell their owners they are hungry. Maybe your cat hasn’t eaten in a while or is thirsty. Regardless of his motivation, it’s up to you to attend to their food and water needs.

If you have more than one cat, ensure that they get enough food. Cats can get very upset if they feel that others are getting food, but they aren’t! They will continue to make noise until all of them have been fed

#3. On heat

Cats have a special call when they’re on heat, referred to as calling. If your cat is a female and hasn’t been spayed or neutered, it might meow or vocalize more than usual to get a mate. This behavior can be hard to deal with if you don’t want kittens, but there are some things you can do about it.

Spaying or neutering helps prevent this form of yowling and bring relief to you and your feline companion. 

#4. Sick/Injured

If your cat is sick or injured, it may start meowing more. The cries for help might be low and feeble at first, but as their condition deteriorates, they’ll become louder and more desperate.

If you notice or suspect your cat is constantly vocalizing unusually, it could be due to illness—or if they suddenly stop using their voice altogether—it’s time to get them to a vet right away for a check-up! Constant cat meowing could signal overactive thyroids, kidney disease, feline urination problems, or other feline health problems. Learn whether your cat is sick/injured here.

#5. Anxiety or Stress

Your cat’s meow can mean many things, but one thing it might mean is that your cat is anxious or stressed. For instance, excessive meowing could be due to a new baby in your home or an unfamiliar person staying over for a night.

Depending on what exactly is triggering your cat’s anxiety, they may need some extra reassurance, extra cuddles, or more playtime with you to calm them down.

Try consulting your veterinarian about possible anti-anxiety medication if these don't work. If there are any changes in her environment (like moving or adding another pet), give them a few weeks to adjust before worrying too much about excessive meowing.

#6. Aging

Your elderly cat may be suffering the symptoms of old age if they routinely yowl at night. Senior cats are known to meow more frequently at night, which is not unusual.

Cognitive or mental dysfunction, such as eyesight or hearing loss and amnesia, are common in aged cats, and your cat may become confused and disoriented as a result. Older cats sleep better at night if they have nightlights installed and will easily traverse their surroundings if their environment is stable and stationary.


There are many reasons why a cat might be meowing. In fact, for any cat parent, there may not be a more common complaint about our feline friends than their incessant yowling.

Always listen to your cat when they try to communicate with meowing and learn what their specific meows mean so you can sufficiently address their needs.

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