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5 Things that Only Cat Parents Understand

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If you’re a cat parent, you know that your cat’s behaviour doesn’t always make sense. Her behaviour can leave you scratching your head in disbelief and puzzlement. But, even when she does seemingly unexplainable things, you love her anyway.

Here are 5 fun things that only cat parents understand.

“Humans really don’t need much sleep.”

We’ve all experienced it…Your sweet dreams are interrupted by a warm, wet tongue licking your cheek. You hear a noisy meow right beside your ear. And you open your eyes to see your kitty’s face just inches away. “What’s wrong with sleeping in?” you wonder. “Do you have an alarm clock or something?” Here is one cat expert’s advice on training your cat to sleep through the night. 

“Your laptop is my happy place.”

This is one of the most common things that only cat parents understand. Whether you’re Skyping a friend or writing an important email, you know it’s only a matter of time before your cat jumps onto the keyboard. She may write strings of incoherent letters and hit “Send” before you can react, or she might even knock your computer to the floor. As long as your eyes are on the screen, she’s jealous because it’s getting all the attention. No wonder your cat likes to hang out on your laptop

“All I want for Christmas is a cardboard box.”

No matter how good the 5-star reviews on Amazon are, those shiny new toys can’t compete with the lovely, big cardboard box that they came in. Boxes are wonderful spots to curl up and take a nap. Or your cat may be envisioning her own royal castle in a Disney tale…who knows? From the shadows of a box, she can pounce on an imaginary prey. Boxes can provide hours of fun for your cat! 

Looking for an outdoor cat house? Find the perfect one at www.undercoverpethouses.com!

“Vacuum cleaners are terrifying.”

The moment you plug in the vacuum and start cleaning, your cat goes into panic mode and runs away. “Even if a cat has lived in the home with that dreaded vacuum cleaner year after year, the sight and/or sound of it can continue to trigger fearful reactions,” says cat expert Pam Johnson-Bennett. The rapid movement and noise of a vacuum may cause the cat to feel trapped, especially if she can’t see an escape route. No wonder your cat is scared of the vacuum!

“Running around the house is even more fun at 2 am.”

You wake up in the middle of the night to loud thuds and scratching on doors. Terrified, you jump out of bed and grab a baseball bat. This intruder is NOT going to get away with anything! But, when you turn on the hall light, you see your sheepish cat looking up at you. What?! Apparently, your cat likes to get her cardio done while things are nice and quiet. Ha!

Which one of these things was your favourite? Do you have more things that only cat parents understand? Let us know in the comments!

Need a feral cat house? Get free shipping at UnderCover Pet Houses!

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