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Blog - groom my cat

Top 9 Tips to Groom your Cat the Right Way

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Cats have unique personalities and grooming needs, so it's essential to do it right if you want to keep your pet in top shape. Grooming your cat isn't always easy, especially if your feline friend doesn't enjoy the process, but doing it regularly will not only improve your cat's appearance but also make their life more comfortable.

So, before you grab your brush and conditioner, be sure to check out these top tips for grooming your kitten safely and effectively!

1) Trim their Nails

Cats' nails constantly grow, so they need to be trimmed regularly. Although regular nail-trimming will keep them from curling, clawing, and splitting, every situation is different.

Use these clues to determine if it's time for a trim:

  • Your kitty's nails extend beyond her pads
  • The nails are curved, cracked, or split
  • Or, they have difficulty walking due to pain caused by excess growth.

Have your cat's claws trimmed every week and a half or after two weeks. However, this also depends on your cat's nail growth rate. Be gentle and ensure you use clippers designed for cats.

Pro tip: If your cat is stressed by nail trimming, put the clippers where your cat can inspect them and become familiar with them. Additionally, give them treats afterward to associate nail trimming with something positive.

2) Brush their Teeth

Like humans, it's essential to keep your cat's teeth clean! Without proper dental care, cats can develop tooth decay and infections that are hard to treat. To prevent issues, brush your kitten's teeth regularly with a toothbrush designed specifically for cats.

Learn more about how to take care of their teeth here.

3) Regular Brushing

Regularly brushing helps detangle your cat's hair while also ensuring that nutrients efficiently reach hair follicles. It also stimulates oil production to help maintain a healthy coat and skin while helping keep your cat cool in hot temperatures.

Pro tip: Ensure you choose the right type of brush for your cat's coat.

4) Trim Their Hair

Regular trimming helps enhance your cat's appearance, among other ongoing benefits. Appropriately done, trimming can help reduce shedding, lessen allergies or even resolve common cat skin conditions such as dandruff, infections, acne, dry skin patches, etc.

Pro tip: Long-haired cat breeds need daily or frequent brushing and haircuts to keep their coats short with a well-maintained, manicured look. it also helps prevent matting and to keep their hair out of their eyes

5) Massage Them

If your cat is uncomfortable about being groomed, try some simple massage before proceeding with brushing. Cats are big fans of being petted and rubbed, and many will enjoy a gentle massage. It's also a great way to bond with your cat and helps them relax during grooming time. Plus, you may notice that it's easier to handle a feline friend who is relaxed than one who is all wound up. A quick kneading of paws can go a long way!

6) Feed Them Well

Nutritional deficiency can have a massive effect on a cat's skin and hair coat. A quality and nutritious diet is one of your kitten's best tools in keeping a healthy, shiny coat. Feed your kitty on a good diet with plenty of proteins and fats (and offer treats only as rewards) to promote a shiny, sleek, and strong coat.

7) Bathe them Whenever they Need It

Most cats hate baths, but sometimes it's a necessary part of grooming, especially if your cat is elderly, has an odor, is soiled, or comes into contact with toxic substances. In some cases, such as contact with toxic substances, getting them professionally bathed is critical.

Pro tip: Introduce your cats to baths from a young age so they can learn early on that baths aren't scary.

8) Use the Right Products

Using quality products is key to a healthy coat and skin. Like with human hair, what you use on your cat's hair impacts their overall look. Low-quality cat grooming products such as shampoos will gradually affect your cat's skin health. Consult your vet on the right products that suit your cat's skin, hair, or condition.

9) Know When to Seek Veterinary Care

Sometimes persistent grooming issues may indicate underlying health issues meaning it's time to consult a vet. If you have any concerns about your kitten's health or well-being, seek veterinary help immediately. It's better to be safe than sorry!

Final Thoughts

Grooming your cat isn't just a way to keep them clean—it's an integral part of their health, too! Not only does regular grooming help keep your kitty looking great, but it can also identify or prevent health issues that are difficult to spot otherwise. With these easy-to-incorporate grooming tips, you can ensure that your furball stays healthy and happy!

Have a feral cat that takes care of its own grooming and won’t let you near it? Help them stay warm and dry with a hand-built cedar cat house from our team here at UnderCover Pet Houses.

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