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Blog - kitten season

4 Kitten Rescues We’re So Proud Of [+ Videos]

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With kitten season just around the corner, cat shelters everywhere are gearing up for the annual surge of newborn kittens. Each year, volunteers and staff log countless hours raising funds, buying supplies, and providing 24-hour care for at-risk kittens. We are grateful for the amazing work these folks are doing. 

Today, we'd like to share with you 4 kitten rescues that we're so proud of [+ videos of their work]!

1) San Diego Humane Society's Kitten Nursery 

San Diego, California

This adorable Go-Pro video takes you behind the scenes at the San Diego Humane Society’s Kitten Nursery.

They provide 24-hour care for thousands of neonatal orphaned kittens every year. Established in 2008, this nursery has saved thousands of kitten lives who would otherwise be euthanized. Check out this video to see the amazing staff of the Kitten Nursery caring for their kittens. One kitten even gets a sink bath and a blowout with a hairdryer and comb! Check it out here:

GoPro: 24-Hr Kitten Nursery

2) East Valley Animal Services

Los Angeles, California

During kitten season (April-May), East Valley Animal Services of LA City takes in a large number of newborn kittens. Many of these kittens are placed in foster homes. They say, “Our foster volunteers are a rugged group of very caring people who do everything from bottle feeding orphaned babies around the clock, to socializing little ones to ensure that they look forward to human and animal interaction.”  

Foster parents raise the kittens until they are 8-10 weeks old, when they are then available for adoption. In this video, you’ll hear firsthand reports from a shelter worker and a returning foster mom. Get the inside scoop here:

What is kitten season? One shelter's story...

Need an outdoor cat house for your neighbourhood kittens? Start shopping now at www.undercoverpethouses.com!

3) Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Originally founded in 2000 to rescue very young kittens, the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue also added older kittens and moms to its project list. They place both kittens and cats in over 350 volunteer foster homes. It has grown from serving about 150 kittens/cats per year to 1,835 kittens/cats in 2014. Told from the cats’ perspective, this video shares the stories of several of their adoptable cats, who are looking for a soulmate. Check it out here:

Looking for your soulmate? VOKRA can help.

4) Kitten Rescue

Los Angeles, California 

One fateful spring day in 1997, Sue Romaine finished her shift at the West Valley Animal Shelter. On her way out the door, she met a man carrying a four-week-old kitten in a paper bag. He explained that he’d brought in the kitten’s siblings the day before, but this one was harder to catch. What he didn’t know was that those kittens had been euthanized immediately because they were so young. Knowing this, Sue stepped in and told the man, “I will take it.” She named the tiny kitten Jackpot, and the rest, as they say, is history. 

Sue went on to found Kitten Rescue, and, twenty years later, this amazing rescue has saved over 17,000 kittens and cats. They run a 24-hour kitten nursery, a no-kill cat sanctuary, and an extensive foster network. Check out this sweet video of the kitten nursery to see the kittens at nap time. All the heart eyes emojis!

Kitten Joins Naptime Pile

Need a feral cat house for your community cats? Find the perfect one today at UnderCover Pet Houses!

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