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How to Improve Quality of Life for Senior Cats

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Thanks to healthcare and nutritional progress, cats are living longer lives than ever before. Your cat will probably have a longer lifespan than its ancestors 50 years ago. However, aging cats are at greater risk for certain health problems. They will need a little extra TLC to stay fit and active. Read on to learn how you can improve your kitty’s quality of life when she enters the golden years.

Make sure your cat has easy access to a litter box.

As cats age, their mobility often decreases. It can be difficult to make it up the stairs to the litter box. To increase accessibility, lower the litter box to ground level, or add a ramp. If possible, install a litter box on each floor.

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Provide a diet rich in fibre and nutrient-dense foods.

Weight control is a common issue for senior cats. To help your cat maintain a healthy weight, include lots of fibre and vegetables in his diet. To prevent fur balls, include foods or supplements with omega-3 fatty acids. If your cat has bladder issues, provide foods such as cranberries, a natural acidifier supplement, and celery seeds. A careful diet is key to maintaining good health.

Exercise regularly.

For optimum health, your cat needs gentle exercise. Take your cat out for a stroll in a cat harness. Or, get out some interactive cat toys and have playtime.

Do a mini physical exam each week.

When you groom your furbaby each week, check for unfamiliar lumps and bumps. Examine your cat’s teeth and mouth for any issues. Take notes of anything unusual so you can mention it to the vet at your next visit.

Do you have a senior cat? What adjustments have you made to help him or her stay healthy? Let us know in the comments below!

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