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Blog - waterproof outdoor cat house

Bringing Home a New Kitten {Free Printable}

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Are you planning to adopt a kitten? According to the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association, “your goal is to help make your furry family member feel comfortable and safe as quickly as possible.”

Here are 5 simple steps to welcome your new kitten home.

1. Kitty-proof your house.

First, secure or tie up any loose cords or strings. Kittens will be tempted to play with them.

Close all buckets and toilet bowls, as these pose a real risk of drowning.

We build the best cedar houses for outside cats on the market!

Install screens on all windows to prevent kittens from jumping out of them.

Also, put away all elastics, thread, needles, tacks, coins, and small kids’ toys. Kittens may choke on these.

(If you are adopting a feral kitten, he may not be ready to live with humans yet. You may want to consider a waterproof outdoor cat house to help him make the transition.)

2. Stock up on kitten essentials.

Here’s a simple shopping list to get started…

-cat food

-kitten treats

-bowls for food and water

-small bed and/or blanket

-kitten toys

-litter box & litter

-an outdoor cat house (for feral kittens)

Also, book your kitten’s first appointment with a vet. The Cornell Feline Health Centre says, “Any new cat should be checked by a veterinarian as soon as possible…” Your vet can check for parasites, administer vaccines, and spay/neuter your cat.

Here is a free printable shopping list to get ready for your kitten: 


3. For the first 48 hours, put your kitten in the bathroom.

Moving to a new home is a stressful situation for kittens. “The smaller the space, the more confident the kitty,” says Modern Cat Magazine.

In a small, comfortable space, kittens will become more confident and grow curious about what’s beyond the door.

Looking for houses for outside cats? Find the perfect one at www.undercoverpethouses.com!

Make sure you spend time with your new kitten, playing with it. This will help build your kitten’s trust and form a strong bond.

4. Expand your kitten’s living area after he meets 3 important criteria:

  • He is reaching out to socialize.
  • He is eating all his food.
  • He has gone to the bathroom at least four times in the litter box.

When your kitten has passed each of these tests, he can “graduate” to living in the rest of the house, too.

5. Introduce your kitten to the family.

Of course, everyone will be excited to meet the new addition. Just remind your children to stay relaxed and quiet. They can sit on the floor and hold out a hand for your kitten to sniff.

Although your kitten may want to play with your hand or finger, do not allow him to do so. Hands should never be considered toys.

Instead, provide cat toys for your kitten to play with.

Enjoy getting to know your new kitten!

Shopping for  houses for outside cats? Check out our fantastic cat houses today!

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