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Blog - where to find the right cat house

Where to Find the Right Cat House

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When you’re caring for a colony of feral cats or you want to provide an outdoor hang-out spot for your cats, you’ll need to go shopping for a cat house. However, with the wide variety of houses available, it can be difficult to find the best cat houses for your cats. Pet expert Arden Moore advises, “So-called bargain cat houses lack durability and fail to provide protection for outdoor cats during inclement weather. Seek a house made of durable, weatherproof materials.” 

Here are our top 3 picks for where to find the right cat house.


The mother of all online shopping, Amazon offers cat houses in a wide variety of styles, features, and materials. Cat houses are available to fit every budget! You can also find cat trees, cat caves, and scratching posts for your kitty. Here are our top 3 choices from Amazon:

The Kitty Tube Gen 3 Outdoor Cat House with Custom Pet Pillow and Double Insulated Liner

Designed for outdoor cats, this sturdy plastic cat house has a double-insulated liner and a washable pet bed inside.

Large Heated Cedar Outdoor Cat House/2 Doors

This cedar cat house has 2 doors, each containing a square window. The home is heated by a 50-watt infrared light bulb in a recessed fixture. 

Large Cedar Insulated Cat House / Shelter

If you need an insulated house for colder climates, this is a great choice! It's insulated with Thermal-Ply insulation in the floor, walls, and ceiling.

Looking for the best cat houses? Get free shipping at UnderCover Pet Houses!


At this online marketplace, you can find a huge variety of awesome products from mom-and-pop sellers. Read on for our top 3 selections...

Cat House Bungalow Outdoor

For the discerning cat, this outdoor cat bungalow has noise-proofing, a mahogany roof, and a scratcher. Built in Verona, Italy.

Closed Mao Cat House

Inspired by le Roi-Soleil (Louis XIV of France) and the Louvre collection, this cat house is built with Chinese brocaded silk over a hand-gilded frame. It's perfect for a diva cat!

Small Insulated Cat House with Platform and Extended Roof

This cedar cat house has a generous roof that shields your kitty from the elements. Plus, it has a shaded platform that's perfect for taking cat naps! 

UnderCover Pet Houses

And, of course, there's UnderCover Pet Houses! Established in 2004, we are a Canadian manufacturer of high quality cedar pet shelters. Here are our current 3 favourites...

Small Insulated Cedar Cat House 

One of our most popular outdoor cat houses, this cat house offers custom options (as all our houses do). You can add a Round Door, Extra Door, Door Flap, and more!

Large Double Decker Insulated Cedar Cat House

With two stories, this cat house can shelter 4 cats or a small colony of feral cats. Plus, it has two decks so your cats can bask in the sun! 

Large Insulated Cedar Cat House with Platform and Loft

We went all out for this one! It's got an elevated house, deck, and a PLATFORM above the roof! It's perfect for sunning and birdwatching, and it will comfortably hold 2 feral cats.

Ready to get an outdoor cat house? Find the perfect one at www.undercoverpethouses.com!

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