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Blog - Shiny cat coat

8 Tips to Restore Shine and Softness to Your Cat's Coat

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A soft, glossy, and beautiful coat is the delight of every cat parent. Nonetheless, your cat's coat can dull over time due to various reasons. Sometimes all your feline friend needs to look their best is an adequate skin and coat care routine to help maintain proper coat and skin health.

Here are eight tips to restoring shine and softness to your cat's coat that you can incorporate into your routine so that both of you can enjoy the feeling of a well-cared-for kitty who looks and feels amazing!

#1. Practice proper nutrition

The most important thing you can do for your cat's coat is to provide them with a proper diet. Cats are carnivores and need protein from meat, so feeding your cat on protein-rich food will go a long way toward keeping their coat shiny.

The type of food you feed your cat should also meet the recommended nutritional contents essential for good skin health. Additionally, ensure that your cat always has access to enough fresh and clean water.

#2Add supplements to the diet

While a good diet is enough to restore the shine on your cat's coat, there are lots of supplements available that can give your cat's coat an extra shiny shine. Try adding fish oil or cod liver oil to your cat's regular food for a healthier, shinier coat.

Don't forget to check with your vet before giving your cat any supplements, though, as large amounts of certain supplements can cause serious health problems!

#3. Brush your cat's coat

Brushing removes dirt, dander, dead hair, excess oil, and other debris from your cat's coat. This helps reduce breakage due to friction that often occurs between shed hairs. Brushing also helps distribute oil from a cat's skin, so no oily residues are left behind on their coat.

It is important to brush your cat regularly, at least two times a week for cats with short coats and once daily for cats with long coats. In particular, senior and overweight cats may require regular to prevent dull coats or dry skin.

#4. Massage the coat

Massaging your cat's coat can do wonders for its luster. Gently rake your hands down your cat's back while spreading their fur with one hand, then use a brush to remove tangles. Massaging helps stimulate blood flow in your cat's skin and promotes healthy hair growth—something every cat needs! Massage away loose fur with a grooming mitt or soft brush, too.

#5. Invest in a quality brush or comb

To make sure your cat's fur is shiny, you need a good quality brush. Depending on your cat's coat, select a soft bristle brush or comb that has been designed specifically for cats with long hair.

Try various combs and brushes to find out what your cat is comfortable with. Many brushes, especially those with denser bristles, work well on short-haired cats. Long-haired cats may require long-toothed brushes with bristles specially designed to glide through their long coats.

PRO TIP: Your cat should never feel any pain when you're brushing them. Gently work from your cat's head to their tail while running the brush or comb against the direction of the hair growth to help release dead hair. Afterward, brush in the direction of the hair growth.

#6. Use the right shampoo

The wrong kind of shampoo can strip your cat's hair of its natural oils, causing further damage and making it even more difficult for the fur to grow normally. Look for a high-quality veterinarian-grade shampoo that contains natural products such as aloe Vera. It may be more expensive than mass-market brands, but quality matters! Always consult your vet if you're unsure about what shampoo to go for.

PRO TIP: While bathing your cat helps keep them clean, frequent baths remove healthy natural oils from their skin, causing dry skin. It's best not to bathe your cat more than once a month since over-bathing strips natural oils from their cat's skin.

#7. Practice parasite control

Dry skin and a dull coat can signify parasites on your cat. Parasites such as ticks and fleas can irritate your cat's skin, causing them to have flaky or itchy skin from over-scratching, biting, and over-grooming. Ensure you regularly check your cat for parasites while practicing parasite control and prevention for cats.

#8. Consult your vet

Serious medical issues such as kidney, liver, thyroid problems, etc., can affect your cat's skin health. Moreover, stress and anxiety can also cause unhealthy coats. If you notice persistent skin and coat issues, always check in with your vet for immediate treatment.

Wrapping up

Getting your cat to have an amazing coat that you can be proud of is a tough job and will not happen overnight. With these helpful tips, you'll be able to restore shine and softness to your cat's coat in no time at all! 

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