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Decoding Your Cat's Body Language: The Ears

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Just like people, cats use a complex body language to communicate their emotions. If you want to read your kitty’s body language, pay attention to its ears. They make up a major part of its body language.

Your outdoor cat’s ears contain over two dozen muscles to provide maximum flexibility and range of motion. Cats express several emotions using only their ears.

Nervousness: A nervous cat will twitch her ears, showing agitation.

Alert Interest: When your cat notices something interesting, her ears will point straight up and forward. When you approach her, she’ll meet you with erect ears and a friendly posture.

Relaxation: When your cat is relaxed, her ears will point slightly forward and slightly to the side. She feels a sense of wellbeing, and she is neither anxious nor aggressive.

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Aggressive Tendencies: If your cat moves her ears from a forward posture to a backward posture, she is feeling aggressive. If her ears move from an upright position to a completely horizontal position, she feels afraid, annoyed, or submissive. It’s a good time to give her some space.

Attack Mode: When your cat flattens her ears against her head defensively, she is afraid and may attack. When a cat’s ears are back, don’t try to touch or lift her. You may be bitten or scratched and require medical attention.

Ambivalence: If your cat is unsure about the situation, she may hold her ears in different positions. She will probably withdraw to analyze what’s happening. Her ears may shift as she judges her surroundings and considers how to react.

Cats are highly expressive, and they use their ears to communicate feelings. Paying attention to your cat’s ears will help you respond to their needs and build their trust.

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