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Blog - behavior

How to Modify Aggressive Behaviour

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Aggressive behaviour can be a source of frustration for many cat owners. One minute, your cat is sweet, cuddly, and adorable enough for an Instagram selfie. The next minute, his teeth are clamped down on your finger! Or, perhaps your cat has a bad habit of biting ankles, or picking fights with other cats. How can you help your cat modify his aggressive behaviour?

Use distance to your advantage.

As kittens grow up, they quickly learn that aggressive behaviour will distance them from other cats. If your kitten becomes aggressive during playtime, immediately stop playing and step away. If she bites or scratches you, say a firm, “No,” or, “Ouch.” Offer the kitten a toy, and try to help her understand that rough play is for toys, not people. You can also spray a quick burst of water on her nose when she misbehaves.

For mature status-aggressive cats, move away at the first signs of aggression. Give your cat some personal space. When she is calm again, give her a treat and wait for her to come to you. When she does, pet her for a short time.

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Always be gentle.

If you respond aggressively to your cat, he will think that aggression is the correct way to interact with people. Avoid shaking him, picking him up by the scruff of his neck, and hitting him. You are his primary teacher, and it is essential for you to model gentleness.

Provide a private, quiet retreat.

Sometimes, your kitty will change his behaviour out of insecurity or fear. Create a quiet space for your cat to hang out by himself. You can place a cozy cat bed, a few toys, and a bowl of water there. When your cat has a personal retreat, he has a sense of security and stability. This can help reduce his aggressive behaviour.

With these simple tips, you can train your cat to modify its behaviour and get along with others successfully.

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