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Blog - dental hygiene

How to Care for Your Cat's Dental Health

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Dental health is the most common health issue that cats face today. Without proper dental hygiene, cats are susceptible to periodontal disease, cavities, and lesions. The dental care provided at vet visits isn’t enough to keep your cat’s teeth, gums, and mouth healthy. You need to provide regular dental hygiene at home as well. Here are 3 quick tips to get started today.

1) Massage your cat’s gums.

Irritated or inflamed gums contribute to tooth decay and gum disease. To prevent this, gently massage your cat’s gums with a gauze-wrapped finger. If you haven’t tried this before, start slowly. When you are cuddling your cat, touch him around the mouth. Gently pull up his lip, and touch a tooth. Proceed slowly until he relaxes. Consistent massages will strengthen your cat’s gums and help prevent gum problems.

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2) Brush your cat’s teeth.

With a specially-formulated cat toothpaste, brush your cat’s teeth. Again, start slowly if this is a new experience for your cat. Work your way up to brushing 1-3 times a week. If your cat refuses a toothbrush, wipe his teeth with a gauze pad or a dental wipe instead.

3) Provide dental-friendly toys and bones to chew on.

You can purchase dental health toys that are stuffed with catnip and its stalks. As your cat chews the toys, he will get a tooth cleaning and gum massage. Also, give him bones to chew. Gnawing on bones will remove tartar, promote dental health, and strengthen oral muscles. Avoid using pork, chicken, or fish bones, as they can splinter.

By implementing regular hygiene, you can help your cat maintain excellent dental health.

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